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take.25 Das Jubeljahr

2021 – we have reason to celebrate!
The question remains though, how does one celebrate in such extraordinary times, when everything seems to be dominated by the pandemic?

With a proud view of our extensive discography:

Since 1996 we have produced more than 40 CD recordings. 39 CD’s have been released up to date, many of them were award-winning. They form a kaleidoscope of our musical journeys, beginning with the Baroque suite from France, Germany and Austria, via the symphony of the Mannheim school down to Viennese Classical style and the early-Romantics.

Our anniversary year will culminate in the release of the complete recording of the Schubert symphonies and the symphonic fragments, conducted by Michi Gaigg.


With a digital anniversary publication: take.25 – L’Orfeo’s jubilee

During the year 2021 you will find various contributions concerning the topics listed below. Join us and discover different perspectives on our 25 years’ history.

A warm thank you to Gabriela Kaegi, long-term music editor from the Swiss Radio SRF 2 Kultur, for designing and editing this digital „Festschrift“!

With the audio „Rockets from Mannheim and fireworks from Linz“ we have started the chapter on „Stilo Orfeo – exploring styles“, the „Soundtracked photo albums“ invite you to browse at leisure, likewise dates and facts, companions over the years, surprising stories are to be found in the chronicle and „Sounding images – L’Orfeo in Indian ink“ encourages eyes and ears …

take.25 – have a look

With concerts able to take place again since June 2021 …
Our plans have often been discarded, cancelled, postponed: Since January this year 17 projects, including concerts in Vienna’s Konzerthaus and Musikverein, the Brucknerhaus Linz, and concert tours to Oslo and South Tirol could not take place.

After such a long absence from stage we thoroughly enjoyed our birthday concerts with the programme Bach pur at the Attergauer Kultursommer and the donauFESTWOCHEN im Strudengau.

The orchestra created a matchless synthesis of detailed precision and unbridled pleasure, altogether an exhilarating experience for those succumbing to this temptation.
OÖ Nachrichten, Karin Wagner 2 August 2021

Looking forward to seeing you at our live concerts coming up!


Celebrate with us!

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