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to the Website of L'Orfeo Barockorchester.

Please get in touch

Phone: +43 650 5057706

Are you interested in supporting the L’Orfeo Barockorchester directed by Michi Gaigg?

You could do so with a donation or by joining as a regular member.

“The Friends of L’Orfeo” („Förderkreis L’Orfeo e.V.“)

  • is a registered association (located in Munich)
  • is a non-profit and tax-advantaged organisation
  • supports the L’Orfeo Barockorchester with revenues from donations and membership fees

To become a member:

  • Please send your written application by post or mail to one of the addresses below.
  • Please transfer your annual membership fee of € 60 to one of the following accounts:

Förderkreis L’Orfeo e.V.
Postbank München
IBAN: DE43 7001 0080 0370 6628 02

Förderkreis L’Orfeo e.V.
VKB Kammer-Schörfling
IBAN: AT32 1860 0000 1617 6752

In return

  • you will be informed regularly about L’Orfeo’s activities
  • you will receive confirmation and documentation of your membership
  • you are welcome to join in orchestra activities such as specific rehearsals, concerts and talks
  • you will be offered L’Orfeo’s CD’s at a special price
  • you will be invited to engage in our activities

Address in Germany:
Gisela Foerster
Josef-Lang-Str. 15
D- 81245 München
Tel./Fax: +49/ (0)89/82020777
E-Mail: ed.en1739008865ilno-1739008865t@_ve1739008865_oefr1739008865ol_si1739008865erkre1739008865dreof1739008865

Address in Austria:
Carin van Heerden
Verschönerungsweg 4
A-4861 Schörfling
Tel./Fax: +43/ (0)7662/4442
E-Mail: moc.o1739008865efrol1739008865@nedr1739008865eehna1739008865v1739008865

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