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Symphonic Schubertiade #2

28Juli11:00Symphonic Schubertiade #2Waldhausen im Strudengau - Stiftskirche


Helmut Schmidinger:
… continuierlich … Metamorphoses for harpsichord and strings (premiere, commissioned by the L’Orfeo Barockorchester)

Franz Schubert:
Symphony No. 2 B major D 125
Symphony No. 4 C minor D 417 „Tragic“

Erich Traxler, harpsichord
L’Orfeo Barockorchester
Michi Gaigg, conductor

After its „Symphonic Schubertiade“ of summer 2022, L’Orfeo returns under the direction of Michi Gaigg to the sites of the celebrated event and lets the audience of the Attergau Kultursommer as well as that of the Donaufestwochen in Strudengau participate in its „unpretentiously and intuitively“ executed reading of two works by the early mature master performed „with animo and youthful élan“ (Die Presse, W. Weidringer).

As a counterpoint Helmut Schmidinger employs the harpsichord, Early Music’s instrument par excellence, in this commissioned work in a contemporary fashion.


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