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Joseph Haydn - Die wüste Insel

11August19:00Joseph Haydn - Die wüste InselGrein/Donau - Greinburg, Arcade Court (Knight's Hall)


Joseph Haydn:
Die wüste Insel

Later (German) version of the azione teatrale L’isola disabitata Hob. XXVIII:9
Text by Johann Otto Heinrich Schaum after Pietro Metastasio

Cornelia Traxler, soprano (Constanze)
Marelize Gerber, soprano (Silvia)
Markus Miesenberger, tenor (Fernando)
Stefan Zenkl, bass (Enrico)

L’Orfeo Barockorchester
Erich Traxler, musical direction
Manuela Kloibmüller, direction
Isabelle Reder, stage & costumes

Hardly known works by great masters of music history or musical languages neglected on European opera stages have been given a platform at the donauFESTWOCHEN since 1995 – in the 30th season Joseph Haydn’s Die wüste Insel (The desert Island): a gripping plot based on motifs from Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, dramatic, orchestral accompagnati for the recitatives, seven stirring arias and a wonderful quartet for the finale.

Now this operatic jewel with the L’Orfeo Barockorchester is coming to the stage of Greinburg Castle for the festival’s anniversary.

A donauFESTWOCHEN im Strudengau 2024 production.


Sonntag, 11. August 2024 19:00

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