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Rondeau from Serenada V in F major

Decorated by Fono Forum (Star of the Month audiophil).

Recommended by Diapason, American Record Guide, Fanfare, Klassik Heute and Das Orchester.

Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter (1665-1742)
Concors discordia op. 2 (Nuremberg 1695)

L’Orfeo Barockorchester
Michi Gaigg, direction

6 Serenade [G, F, g, a, F, B flat]
from Concors discordia amori et timori augusti et serenissimi Romanorum regis Josephi I consecrata

first recording

(cpo 1997)

Order CD

The Aufschnaiter works are rendered in an historically aware and exciting manner that weds meticolous scholarship and perspicacious musicianship. Sonics are clear, bright and lively, with nice presence.
American Record Guide, July/August 1998

[…] L’interpretation de L’Orfeo Barockorchester est d’un grand raffinement […].
Diapason de musique 07/1998

The playing of concert master Gaigg and her colleagues is fine, with light sprung rhythms and clean ensemble.
Fanfare, July/August 1998



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