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‘Salve Regina’ WarB E 24

Decorated by Le Monde de la Musique (Choc du Monde de la Musique) and Classica (Choc de Classica).

Recommended by Musicora, Klassik Heute, SWR2 and Falter.

Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)
Sacred Works

Emma Kirkby, soprano
Markus Schäfer, tenor
L’Orfeo Barockorchester
Michi Gaigg, director

‘Salve Regina’ WarB E 24,
Marian Antiphon for Soprano and Orchestra
‘Laudate pueri Dominum’ WarB E 19,
Vesper (Psalm 113 / Vulgate 112) for Soprano, Tenor and Orchestra
‘Si nocte tenebrosa’ WarB F 4a
Motet for Tenor and Orchestra

first recordings

(cpo 2001)

Order CD

At the age of 20 J.C. Bach converted to Catholicism in Milano, a cardinal sin for his Protestant home. A result of this conversion is the charming “Salve Regina”, recorded here for the first time by the L’Orfeo Baroque Orchestra and Emma Kirkby. Had his relations known this CD they would have gladly forgiven this lost son.
Falter, 20/2001

[…] currently one of the best baroque orchestras […]
SWR2 06/2001

[…] all three works are interpreted with a delicate sound, diffentiated articulation and unassuming virtuosity, aconvincing plea for the Catholic J.C. Bach.
Klassik Heute 07/2001



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