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TWV 51:C2 Allegro

TWV 51:G8 Andante

TWV 51:D10 Adagio. Allegro

Recommended by International Record Guide, Musicora, and Concerto.

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
Complete Violin Concertos Vol. 1

L’Orfeo Barockorchester
Elizabeth Wallfisch, violin & direction

Concertos for Violin, Strings and B.c.
TWV 51:C2*, G8, e3*, D9, E2, F2, D10

* first recordings

(cpo 2004)

Order CD

L’Orfeo Baroque Orchestra provides Wallfisch with sympathetic support throughout a disc which augurs well for the remainder of the series. The recorded sound is ideal.
International Record Review 09/2004

These series will be another precious gem in the cpo crown. 09/2004

Elizabeth Wallfisch and her colleagues have a knack to catch the charm and warmth in Telemann’s music. His eloquence in the different styles of his time is conveyed with incredibly fine nuances […] The L’Orfeo Baroque Orchestra accompanies the high spirited soloist with infallible reliability. Wallfisch shows her stand in arpeggios, scales, semiquaver triplets and polyphonic playing.- What a colourful microcosm is presented here to the listener during the first 10 minutes already! […] The following volumes in this project are expected in great anticipation, while enjoying this excellent release in the meantime.
Concerto – Das Magazin für Alte Musik, October/November 2004

ConcertosElizabeth WallfischTelemann


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